Become a Vendor 2025-01-27T15:32:13+00:00

Every Sunday 9am- 4pm

2025 season is open every Sunday May 4th until October 12th

Single Booth size 10′ x 10′ includes two 8 ft tables. Double booth is 10×22’ includes four 8’ tables

Monthly and seasonal vendors all have covered booths. For day vendors, covered booths are first come, first serve.

Monthly and seasonal vendors get a permanent booth and go directly each Sunday to that location.

Day Vendors must apply to be a vendor before coming to the market. Once approved you can request to reserve dates.  Please specify if you have special requirements like hydro, trailers or have an over-sized vehicle.

Apply To Become a Vendor HERE

Reserve a Booth


Once approved,
call or email in advance to reserve dates. Canopies and parking are first come serve for occasional vendors. If you have special requirements, like hydro or you have a trailer please make sure to note that when you reserve in advance.

$60/ per Sunday + HST and fees


Prepay the calendar month and take advantage of the savings. By having a prepaid booth, you avoid the early morning ‘day-vendor line up’. Drive directly to the same booth each Sunday, therefore it saves time and returning customers know where to find you. Best of all, you are guaranteed a canopy over your tables!

$55/per Sunday +HST and fees


Pay at the beginning of the season and get the best booths at the market! and the best rate!

$1080 + HST and fees for May thru Thanksgiving

Hydro is available in several areas, but these need to be reserved in advance. There is an additional charge for hydro based on usage; minimum is $10/day.

Set Up To Sell

What time do I show up on Sunday morning to set up? 2019-01-22T15:32:31+00:00

Day Vendors

We advise vendors coming just for the day to arrive early, the line up starts around 7am.

To line up, drive in the main entrance of the market.  Before the parking lot follow the lane to the left. Turn left into the lane at the stone pillars with the sign “New Vendor Lineup”

Pull up to the yellow pylons by the house. Wait in your car and we will come to you with instructions. There is no office to report to.


Monthly and Seasonal Vendors

Drive directly to your booth. Vendors are required to be at their booth no later than 8:30am to be set up and ready to sell by 9am.

Packing before 4pm is prohibited!

Where do I park and unload? 2018-02-15T04:51:18+00:00

There is parking for one standard size vehicle behind your booth, and it stays there for the entire day.

Larger vehicles or trailers must contact us in advance to make special arrangements.

What happens if it rains? 2022-04-28T21:24:29+00:00

Most of the booths have a canopy to protect you and your merchandise as well as an overhang to protect the strolling customers. We are open rain or shine!  Because the market is located in a beach resort town, cloudy and rainy days are sometimes our best days because the tourist don’t go to the beach, they come to the Market to shop!!  So ignore the weather man, they are often wrong about the weather anyway.

Selling Tips 2018-02-15T04:53:32+00:00

10 B tips of selling……

  1. Be seen, merchandising your display is the single most important thing you can do. You have approximately 10seconds to grab the attention of your customer as they stroll on by. Make sure they know what you are selling in a glance, don’t overcrowd your table.
  2. Be colourful, use colour theme for your display. Don’t forget the table clothes to cover the barn board tables unless you what that rustic look you might just want to use another earthy fabric like burlap.
  3. Be inviting – Don’t pressure or crowd your customer but also don’t sit down in a lawn chair with your arms crossed. High stools or director chairs bring you up to your customers eye level just in case they have a question you don’t want them to think they are bothering you.
  4. Be Busy! Demonstrating or making your product on site is a bonus, it adds value to your product.  If not, clean and organize your space to appear busy.
  5. Be creative………..need I say more??
  6. Be consistent, come every Sunday to keep the same location and your customers will know where to find you.
  7. Bring lots of business cards, you might not make every sale that day but at least they will be able to contact you at a later date if they have your card.
  8. Be willing to negotiate.
  9. Bring plenty of extra change since ATM’s only dispense $20’s.
  10. Bags, offer reusable bags if possible.